Become a Fair Sponsor

Sponsorship Options:
Deadline: July 1, 2024
Trophies/Ribbons/awards $50
Youth/Open Class/Harness racing/Horse Pulls
Kids Day Bike Giveaway $100 per Bike
1 bike will be given away with your name on it; your name will be put on the bike giveaway sign and announced over the loudspeaker.
Fence signage (stand-alone) $350
includes the banner or $300 with the provided banner. A banner will be placed on the front fence all week. Your name will be announced throughout the week and put on the website.
Golf Cart Sponsor - Courtesy Cart $650
Your sign on the golf cart all week as it traverses the fairgrounds.
Golf Cart Sponsor - Staff Cart $400
Your sign on the golf cart all week as it traverses the fairgrounds.
Parking Lot Sponsor $600
your sign will be displayed in the parking lot all summer for multiple events.
Fair Sponsor $300
You will receive 3 all-week passes, good anytime throughout the fair. You will also be recognized on the website and in daily announcements.
Rodeo Chute Banner $500 / night
two-night event, four chutes each night. Sponsors are announced throughout the event and on our website. Sponsor banners are displayed at ALL grandstand shows.
Special Day Sponsor $2,000
Thursday (Toddlers Day), Friday, or Saturday (Kids Day). Your name will be announced throughout the day, chosen and displayed on our website. You will receive 20 Dailey gate passes and a 3' X 5' banner on the front fence for the entire week.
Grandstand Arena Sponsor $5,000
choice of available nights and announced throughout the event. Your logo is presented on our website, a 3' X 5' banner in the infield the entire week, 4 VIP seats for the event, and 20 gate passes.
Presenting Sponsor $10,000
your name in all media, advertising, announcements, 3 - 3' X 5' banners hung around the fairgrounds, display spot for sampling, sales, and additional advertising, 6 VIP seats for all Grandstand shows. 150 gate entry passes.
Williams Farm Machinery is a proud sponsor of the Truck and Tractor Pulls at the Eaton County Fair year after year. Serving our communities for over 70 years. Thank you, Williams Farm Machinery!
Janson Equipment Company is a proud sponsor of the Truck and Tractor Pulls at the Eaton County Fair year after year. Providing support to our communities for 85 years. Thank you, Janson Equipment Company!